Frugal Living - Life Hacks To Save Money!
It happens with all of us. You plan to save a little money of your salary. You get your salary, but the expenditure is more than your earning. You don’t have a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, so you have to find some realistic ways to save money. You should control your budget by cutting down your luxuries that have become part of life. You will be amazed that by frugal living, you can save about $500 per year. You just have to make some adjustments to your lifestyle.
After studying the life-hacking ways of more than 100 Pinterest users, the best ways to frugal living are:
- Smart Shopping: The way you spend extensively on your shopping should be curbed. For example, you should have a determined budget before shopping and you should stick to your budget. If you see the glamorous item that had the potential temptation to shake your budget, it should be avoided. The best is that you should look at that shop at thrift stores where you can find designer faulty pieces if you search a lot.
- Gift handicrafts: Rather than buying some high-priced gift for somebody from a gift-store, you can try hand-made items. Pinterest offers a very wide range of handicrafts and related stuff. You can be different while you are trying to contract wallet.
- Avoiding excessive parties: While it’s good to hang out with friends, they are the useless areas where your cash goes out without your consciousness. The booze and stuff are freaking addictive, and you can never remember your frugal living goal in a hangover. So stay out of it!
Catherine Alford, author at LifeHack, suggests some habits that go with a survey of 500 users on Facebook about frugal living goal.
- Using Public Transportation: With the fuel prices rising up, it is better to keep your vehicle within the square for some more days. It saves a lot when you use a transport bus or a subway. You can get a taste of real public life too.
- Using internet from the library: The monthly internet bill consumes a lot of your savings. It is better to use the internet from the library than from your home. This could be a massive step in your saving venture. Many of them cannot do this, but you have to be brave enough to say no to domestic network connection.
- Forbes suggests that selling your good condition iPhone could save you some money as well as lowering the thermostat by 4 degrees can save you around $150.
Forget living a luxurious life, instead we can call a pampered life. Live up to your necessity. Don’t waste anything, especially food and old clothes.
Follow the saving tips given above and try to save in every area where you think this could have been avoided.
Accomplish your goal to penny-pinching living.

Chrissy Reese

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